Monday, March 22, 2010

March 15, 2010

This past week was a good week. Elder Ubeda and I have been doing our best to find those that are ready. We cover a big area and so we won't get bored tracking. We have some great investigators, but they have a hard time coming to church. We have a few Hispanics who have asked what they need to do to be baptized. We really need to get a branch going but it's hard when there aren't any Hispanics that come. Bishop wants 15 people including kids to come regularly. We barely have that many members that come. We also have some Americans that we are teaching. One of them is looking for a church. He is young and will have to give up his lifestyle if he wants to join. Tomorrow we will show him the church and that can help him come to church. A week before I come home I will send another box because one of my suitcases broke so I will have to leave it.
We had a really cool miracle happen yesterday, there is a little girl named Dios and she is a daughter of a member and she is 10. Her Dad wouldn't let her be baptized but now he will so probably next week we will have a baptism. We fasted and prayed for this to happen. After this we can start working on him because he isn't a member and needs to change his life.
Well my time is up and I need to go but thank you for all your letters and prayers.
Love Elder Garrett